10 Dream Symbols and What They Might Mean

Even as we’re asleep, our brains are at work. Some of us have pleasant dreams, and if we’re ever pulled out of it, we try to fall right back asleep in hopes that they will continue. Others have terrible nightmares that leave them wide-eyed and staring at the ceiling, too afraid to shut their eyes again. Then there are the dreams that have us thinking long after we wake up, wondering what they could mean. Here are a few ideas those dreams could be pointing to:

More often than I’d like, I’ve dreamed of losing my two front teeth. Thankfully I wake up and they’re still there. Dreams of losing teeth can actually signify a fear of growing old and not being attractive to others.

Dreams of being pregnant can just be those creative juices knocking at our door. Perhaps there have been thoughts of starting a new project or doing something else along the lines of tapping into your creativity.

Dreams of marriage can represent a desire for union in life, may it be an actual commitment between partners or the merging of two aspects of ourselves.

Often when we dream of death, it can be that of a loved one. Dreaming of a loved one can represent feelings of guilt or sadness towards that person, which isn’t unusual for someone who is in the grieving process.

Missing an exam
I’m sure that before the night of a big test many of you have dreamed of oversleeping and missing the exam. This form of text anxiety represents the feeling of being underprepared for the exam or not feeling confident enough to believe that we’ll pass the test.

Dreaming of offspring can take place of the babies in ourselves- calling out to be loved. Babies can also represent new beginnings, feeling vulnerable, or the desire for a little one of our own.

I once dreamed that all of my hair got chopped off, and boy did I wake up in a panic. These types of dreams can point to the literal fear of losing hair manifesting itself. If you like Freudian psychology, then it will be helpful to know that Freud believed “hair has significant ties with sexuality,” and dreaming of it being cut off can mean there’s a decrease in sexual desire.

Those terrible dreams of falling can actually be related to anxiety. They can signify fears of letting go of something, loss of control, and even failure.

Being Chased
Perhaps there’s something or someone that poses a threat to us in the real world. If it’s an animal that’s doing the chasing, feelings of fear and aggression are being suppressed.

Flying is a very common dream and it can represent happiness or having high spirits about something, a goal in the conscious world.

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