10 Things Women With With Self-Worth Won't Tolerate

Strong women have lived through tears, fears and disappointments. They have turned their learning into valuable lessons, thus, don’t have time for unacceptable behavior.

Do you identify with this list?

Being neglected
They will not be the sole givers in a relationship. They have needs and expect their partners to honor them.

Being abused
They know abuse is not only physically but emotionally charged. They can identify the signs and will not put up with any of it.

Someone who says they care needs to follow up with appropriate actions. If not, they do not spend time with them.

Blatant rudeness
We all are worthy of respect. If they are disrespected, they confront the person right away and call them out on their behavior.



Toxic people 
They do not choose to be with people who are negative and try to pull them down.

Blaming and shaming
Not appropriate. It is as simple as that!

Total disinterest
They spend time with people with whom they can connect. If there is a lack of interest from someone, engaging with that person is a waste of time.

Lack of integrity
Strong women have high standards–deceitful people have no room in their lives.

Being lied to
They value honesty; anything less than that goes against what they consider important.

Being put down
People who demean others do it because they feel bad about themselves. Although strong women are compassionate, they do not have to put themselves in the line of fire.

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