3 Reasons Overthinking is deadly and how to get over it

When we are in a pinch, sometimes our knee-jerk reaction is to “figure it out.” But most of the time, the “brain” can’t. And if we go this route, we begin to obsess, which is deadly. How can we do things differently? Read on…

1. Overthinking often ends up in obsession which only serves to get us more anxious. When you feel like your head is “spinning,” stop! Take a few deep breaths, and do something different.Go for a walk, put on the tv, call a friend.

2. Overthinking makes our world seem very small. Life experiences vary, some are wondrous, some painful, but if you are caught in overthinking, there is no room to let anything else in. When you catch yourself over analyzing, see if you can pinpoint the emotion that may be underneath. Are you afraid, sad, what is really going on?

3. Overthinking keeps us stuck. We simply don’t move out, try anything new, we are basically “in our heads.” Life is much better when we have the courage to step outside our comfort zones and do something different.


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