3 Signs That Your Relationship Might Be In Trouble

It is possible to deny what’s really going on. Often our lives are so busy that we go about our day as if nothing is wrong, but is that true? When a relationship is on its last licks, we probably know it even we tell ourselves everything is okay. Here are 3 major signs that it isn’t.

1.The person talks “at you” not “to you”, and doesn’t seem to care. The communication between the two of you has disintegrated. There is little that you have to talk about except the daily routine of keeping the household going.

2. There is very little intimacy. You are not alone much and if, in fact, you go out together it is usually with friends. And when the “date” is over, there is no excitement of being together.

3. Your future together, even planning trips, is not talked about much. The excitement of discovering something new together is non-existent.

In the end, it is better to face the signs of trouble, rather than not deal with it. When things are out in the open, it is possible for change to happen.

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