3 Ways To Make Your Biggest Problem Work For You

I don’t know of anyone who isn’t facing some kind of challenge. Our big challenges (and even the smaller ones) can overpower and control us, if we let them. However, we can rise above our challenges with the right mindset. I know this because as a former psychotherapist and now as a coach, I have helped hundreds of individuals, couples, and companies deal with the toughest of situations.

Whether you’ve lost your job, you’re going through a rough time in a relationship, or you’re facing something else that seems too big to handle, you can turn that obstacle into the way to better things. The stoic philosopher Marcus Aurelius tells us, “What stands in the way becomes the way.”

Here are three ways to rise above your circumstances and turn the obstacle in your way into the way to better things:

See something you don’t already know

Every circumstance we find ourselves in brings lessons given to us by the University of Life. Whether we learn anything from the course is our decision. Ask yourself, “What can I learn about myself from this situation? How can I turn this obstacle into an opportunity for me to discover what I’m capable of?”

What weaknesses do I have that this situation is showing me? Do I need more self-confidence, more self-worth? Am I taking charge of this situation or is it taking charge of me? What strengths and skills do I have to turn this unwanted circumstance into a growth opportunity?

Don’t wish things were easier, know you can handle it

It’s far better to say, “How can I deal with this challenge in a way that will enable me to discover how powerful I really am?”

While others complain about their situation, use yours to learn, change, and grow into the person who can rise above it. You’ll come out on the other side knowing yourself on a deeper level and you’ll be amazed at who you are.

Lone wolf vs strong leader

We live in a culture that highlights those who stand out in their genius and courage; people who lead the way. However, we forget that these men and women didn’t achieve their greatness on their own or by themselves, no matter how much it might seem that way. There can be no leaders without followers and there can be no champion without a supportive team.

Quit trying to figure everything out yourself and stop insisting that you can get through hard times by yourself. None of us are that strong. Ask for help and be open to the help you are offered. Remember, we all need someone in our corner telling us we can go that next round. And we all need someone reminding us that, “This too shall pass,” but we shouldn’t let it pass without making it worth the challenge.


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