3 Ways To Rise Above Someone Trying To Put You Down

We all come across these people, people who don’t feel good about themselves and won’t admit it, so they find fault with people, places, and things. Only this time, their target is YOU!

How do you handle someone so you don’t get caught up with their sly remarks and negative criticism? Here are some things to remember:

They are hurting big-time
Instead of becoming defensive when they shoot their negative vibes at you, DETACH (don’t get reactive). Yes, do the opposite of what your knee-jerk reaction would be. If you engage, you escalate the drama and get caught in the middle. Deep breathing helps to give you distance from them, as well as counting to 10.

You are bigger than that
You have important things to do, focus on that. If you allow them to get to you, you are not using your energy productively. Place your attention on the task at hand, and the commitments that you need to fulfill. Then, take the next right action.

Even if it has your name on it, don’t take it personally
You are just on their radar for now. If you weren’t there, it would be someone else. But since it’s you, if they are pointing out one of your weaknesses, remember, no one is perfect. We all have weaknesses, including them. Call to mind your strengths, which will help to balance things out.

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