4 Phrases That Push Him Away (Get Closer Instead)

This is impossible/I can’t do it. Lots of opportunities come your way, but do you take them? Or are you seeing all the reasons why something CAN’T happen? Nothing is more unattractive.

Try instead: It’s challenging, but we can find a way to make it happen.



It’s your fault! (Playing the blame game). People who find fault with everyone else, who never take responsibility for their actions, you want to stay clear of.

Try instead: I see how I may have overstepped my role here, (owning your side of the street), and for that I’m sorry.


You have to! Making demands and not giving options. Most of us want to be able to decide for ourselves.

Try instead: Here are the choices, which do you want to do?


There’s no way I’ll ever forgive you. Not being direct with a person about your anger, giving out negative vibes, and churning over the incident.

Try instead: Saying what’s on your mind, hearing what the other person has to say, and then, letting it go.

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