4 Reasons Being Blunt Doesn't Make You Rude

Speaking your truth is important, but many people are afraid of confrontation.You may be labeled “rude” if you’re brutally honest. Being blunt may not be good for every situation, but here are some situations when it comes in handy:

You stop wasting time: Instead of being wishy-washy, being straightforward can save everyone’s time. You’ve probably been in a situation where no one can decide what to eat for dinner. When you’re hungry it’s no fun to bounce ideas back and forth for an hour, so being direct about what you want means everyone gets to eat sooner.

Your compliments mean more: Being up-front with your compliments builds trust with people and they’ll know they can rely on you for a candid response. For instance, when a blunt person says they liked your presentation, you’ll know you did a stellar job.

You’ll attract honesty: If you’re brutally honest with someone, they’ll know that they can confide in you and speak their mind. Tell someone how you truly feel about their business proposal, even if it isn’t a compliment. Next time around, you can expect that person to be up-front about what they thought of your work.

You can get what you want: You’ll stand out in a good way if you openly discuss your thoughts and feelings. When you’re trying to get a promotion, be candid with your boss. He’ll know you mean business and will hopefully admire your gumption.

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