4 Things That Are More (Or Equally) As Important As Sex in A Relationship

Of course sex is very important in any relationship, and there has to be chemistry between the two of you, but there are other things that are equally, if not more important.

1. Honesty
Lack of honesty can destroy any relationship. It is the foundation of trust.

2. Loyalty
Knowing someone is on your side when the going gets tough can pull you through terrible times.

3. Trust
In “growing” a life with another person, what creates lasting love is your ability to trust each other. As two individuals, you don’t cling to each other but give each other space to pursue your interests and dreams.

4. Forgiveness
Not holding on to slights and mistakes. We are very imperfect beings and we are bound to slip up, what’s really matters is to express yourself truthfully, and let go.

What other things do you see as non-negotiable in a relationship? Let us hear from you.

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