4 Ways to Let Go of Negativity

Nothing more really needs to be said, if you stay in negativity, you will not attract the “good” so many of us want for ourselves. So how do you catch yourself when you are about to give your power away? Take a look.

Be wary of “pity parties”
When you find yourself spiraling down with self-pity, stop. Realize that to keep ruminating will only take you down a dark tunnel.

Know nothing lasts forever
If you are in real pain and it’s hard to think that it will ever get better, be aware that this is a lie. Feel the feelings, but know, “this too shall pass.”

Don’t blow things up
It is easy to exaggerate. Yes, tell a friend or two about a disappointment, but don’t waste your energy telling 10 people. That’s how you lose focus. Time spent on getting what you want nets positive results.

Everything happens for your soul’s growth
The good and the bad, the happy and the sad. You may be going through a negative patch, but use this time to “grow” through it. What are the lessons that need to be learned?

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