5 Reasons Arguing is Good for your Health

Most of us don’t want to confront others–tough conversations are difficult to have. But why is it a must? In the end if we hold it all in, we only hurt ourselves.

1. No two people see it the same way. What makes life interesting is that we see things differently. It would be boring if we agreed all the time. Diversity is a good thing.

2. Not saying how we feel builds resentments. When we pull back, say things inauthentically, agree when we don’t feel like agreeing, we most likely will harbor resentments.

And resentments can have a toxic effect on any relationship, and also your health.

3. Disagreements can make a relationship stronger. The fear of someone leaving if we say how we really feel haunts many of us.  But having the willingness to work through differing points of view

makes life interesting and builds trust.

4. Your opinions matters. People in the best relationships, “Agree to Disagree.” They appreciate their partner’s point of view, without having to take it on. They also know what they think and feel is 

5. Asserting yourself brings with it self-respect. When you stand up for yourself and say what you really feel, you build self-esteem.

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