5 Signs You’re Working Too Much Without Getting Much Back

You’re irritable
You’re not sleeping well, you have little energy, and you’re snapping at people.

You’re not having much fun
You’re too intense, serious most of the time, and haven’t been laughing (which is part of your nature).

No one is giving you credit
Your boss is taking all the credit for the effort that you’re putting in, without commenting on the great work you’re doing.

You’ve been promised things that haven’t come through
You’ve had a discussion about your next move, but there’s nothing on the horizon.

You’re not seeing results
You very much pride yourself in being able to make a difference, but all the effort you’ve been putting out recently doesn’t seem to be having a big impact.

If you have several of these signs, you might reevaluate how much effort you’re putting into your work, and how you’re spending your time.

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