5 Things to Do When No Matter What You Do Won't Please Them

You know those people, you try so hard to please them, but you CAN’T. Instead of acknowledging what you’ve done right, they pick out what you did wrong.

Being around them can drive you crazy. So how do you handle this type of person? Read on.

1. Let them know you care. Even if it wasn’t done perfectly, let them you gave it your best shot. These people have such high standards (especially for themselves), that they are NEVER content.

2. Accept that you will not please them.  Instead of trying to “get it right”, know that you CAN’T.  And that has nothing to do with you, and everything to do with them.

3. Be good to yourself. Acknowledge what you did and the effort you put in to making it happen. Give yourself the credit you deserve.

4. Don’t let them drag you down. Don’t get caught up in their “perfectionisn.” What they want of you doesn’t exist!

5. Get on with the next thing. Don’t stay where you can’t please, move on and share all your “good stuff” with someone else.

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