5 Ways to Help Yourself Feel Good When You Are Feeling Bad

No one wants to feel bad.  In fact, when we do, we may tell ourselves we aren’t feeling that way. However, if we don’t acknowledge how we really feel, we will get ourselves into even more trouble. Because, eventually what we are denying probably will come to the surface with a vengeance.

So what exactly can we do to help ourselves when we are feeling less than perfect?  Here are some tips.

1. Don’t judge yourself. Don’t make matters worse but blaming, shaming, or telling yourself that you are doing something wrong. You simple aren’t feeling your best self.

2. Watch past and future thinking. Try to stay in the present. Actually pinpoint your sensations–tightness in the chest, dry mouth, etc. That will help to bring you in the moment. Usually when we indulge our thoughts about a past mistake, or something ominous that hasn’t happened yet, we get ourselves more anxious.

3. Be kind to yourself. What is the most loving action you could take to feel better? Is there a special meal you could make yourself? A special song you could listen to? Be gracious to yourself.

4. Always, always remember that nothing stays the same. Yes, it’s hard to believe when we are in the thick of things, but the way you feel now will not last forever.

5. Bring to mind something sweet about yourself. They say, people will treat you the way you treat yourself, so acknowledge something special you might have done this week. It can be the tiniest accomplishment.

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