5 Ways to Stop Overthinking and Stressing Yourself Out

Does anyone ever tell you that you think too much? That you’re making a big deal out of nothing? Are you having trouble making a decision because you keep changing your mind before it’s made up? If you feel overwhelmed, stressed, or anxious about something, you might be overthinking. Here are some tips to help you chill:

Understand the root cause
More than likely, if you’re overthinking something, it’s because you are afraid of making the wrong decision. Contrary to popular belief, there is no such thing as fearlessness. If you are thinking about doing something that is outside of your comfort zone, it’s NATURAL to feel afraid. You are entering unfamiliar territory. Once you realize that fear is normal you allow yourself to stop worrying about making a mistake.



What’s this really about?
Do you have a big decision to make and you keep going back and forth? A pro-con list can help you see what benefit you can gain from each option. Do you know what your endgoal is, but you can’t figure out exactly how to get there? Write down everything that needs to be done to get you where you want to be, and make a plan. Once you put everything that’s in your head on paper, you can sort through the chaos that your mind has created and start to make some sense of it.

Don’t sweat the small stuff
Now that you’ve written down all of your thoughts, take a step back and look at the big picture. Are you hung up on one minor detail and losing sight of what’s important? Remember what your mission is. You’ll never get there if you don’t STOP thinking and START DOING.

As Elle Woods said, “Exercise gives you endorphins, endorphins make you happy…” No matter what you’re down about, a good run or an hour of yoga will make a world of difference. Physical activity will give you a chance to step away from the problem for a while, put you in a better mood, and, in the long run, improve your health.

Listen to your head or your heart?
For people who think too much, it’s almost impossible for us to listen to our hearts. Sometimes, however, our heart can tell us much more than our heads. Did you make that pro-con list? Did you feel a pang of disappointment when you saw that it made more sense to go with option 1? Go with your gut.

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