5 Words Confident Women Use to Attract Success

The way we speak about ourselves is powerful. It boosts (or diminishes) our ability to succeed and influence others.

When talking about yourself, find words and phrases that display your highest-level skills.  That’s where others will find confidence in you. What are the strengths that make you valuable to your leaders? What gives you the tenacity to speak up in a meeting?

Women who display the following behaviors and use these words to describe themselves will be heard more often.

1. Visionary
Someone who is confident in creating a vision will make those sitting around the table want to be part of the team.

2. Strategic
You turn the vision into reality. This doesn’t mean you always fly solo, but you are resourceful and collaborate with the right players, coming up with winning strategies.

3. Anticipatory
The ability to perceive what is needed before others do makes them really listen to what you have to say.

4. Authentic
Being true to who you are brings your uniqueness to the table, and that is where your value is found.

5. Decision-maker
As women, we often hold back out of fear of making the wrong decision. Men make a decision and then regroup if it doesn’t turn out the way they planned. Learn from them.

Regardless of what your inner voice may tell you, speak confident words about yourself. The more you say them, the more you will believe them. In turn, that confidence will draw others in and bring opportunities your way.

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