6 Signs You're Not Being Loved Enough

You are “big-time lonely.” At night, when you put your head on the pillow, you are hurting inside. Lying in the darkness, you feel so alone.

No real time to connect. Little effort is made on his part to share special moments with you.



Your friends notice that you are not yourself. You seem mildly depressed and don’t seem enthusiastic about your daily life.

Small occasions go unremembered. Little things that mean so much to you are forgotten. Your FIRST (fill in the blank)…

His attention goes to others. It’s so easy to get lost in other people, kids, other family members, friends. Doesn’t notice your new outfit, doesn’t make an effort to find out about your day, and etc.

You are looking for something else to fill your emptiness. Other men seem unusually attractive. It feels extra good when someone gives you a second glance as you walk by.  You are eating way too much and/or over-shopping.

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