6 Signs That You're Giving Too Much and Not Taking Enough

Women tend to be the givers, with their families, at the office, with friends. But when is it too much–when do we cross over the line and become angry, frustrated and depleted, because we are not getting our fair share?

Here are some the ways you can tell, and when you know, it’s time to do something about it.

1. You’re angry and you can’t put your finger on it. Too many requests come your way, and who is there for you? For one day, just to convince yourself, actually write down the “asks” and see if and when you have requested things from other people.

2. You feel down, lack of energy. This really is not like you, why are you so depleted? It seems to have crept up on you.

3. Friends who are the people you feel comfortable in going to for help, haven’t heard from you in a while. Reflect on why that is.

4. You have difficulty sleeping, thinking too much. Overthinking and worrying are sapping your energy.

5. Everything seems bland. Even the things you are passionate about seem just okay, and when you talk to people about them, there’s no excitement.

6. You’re making dumb mistakes which is not like you–that’s because you are having a hard time concentrating.

The first step to changing this and reversing the imbalance is to become aware that there is a problem, ACCEPT it, then ADMIT it to someone else (there is strength in numbers), and take ACTION to change it.

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