6 Things You Should do Before Bedtime

A good night’s sleep is crucial for success. The National Sleep Foundation recommends 7-9 hours for adults. However, it can be difficult to really feel rested, especially if you have a lot on your mind. Try these tips to improve your ability to sleep soundly and wake up refreshed and ready to take on the day.

To rest easy:

Avoid long naps: Even if you’re exhausted during the day, it’s not smart to drop everything and snooze for 2 hours. According to Mayo Clinic, the optimal amount of time to nap is 10 to 30 minutes during the midafternoon. These cat naps are all you really need to recharge your batteries.

“Put the house to rest”: Take a quick survey of your home. Make sure there are no little chores left undone that might keep you up thinking during the night. For example, if you left your dirty dishes in the sink, clean them before bed instead of worrying about completing the task in the morning.

Have a bedtime ritual: It can take a while to fall asleep if you’re still feeling wide awake. Try taking a warm bath or reading for an hour before bed. These types of relaxing activities help ease your body into sleep mode.

To wake up ready to go:

Plan: Figure out what would help you get going in the morning. Maybe you want to have your lunch packed ahead of time or pick out tomorrow’s outfit. Accomplishing these little tasks at night can make the next morning run smoother.

Reflect on your day: Think about what you’ve done that day. It can help to write down a few notes about what you’re grateful for, what you’ve accomplished, or what you want to achieve in the day ahead.

Envision success tomorrow: This can be especially helpful if you’re going through a challenging time. Close your eyes and picture something amazing happening to you tomorrow. Positive thoughts often lead to positive outcomes.

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