7 Habits for Success

1. Compare and despair. A sure way of making yourself feel bad is to judge yourself by what someone else is doing. Instead of comparing, say to yourself, “what they’re doing is cool. If I apply myself, I can be doing the same thing in X amount of time.”

2. Be grateful for what you have. We hear this a lot, but we may not realize how true it is. If you want to have more, take note of what you have. When you do, you feel a sense of abundance, which creates a vibe you send out to the world that you’re ready for more.

3. Look for the positive. As the song goes, accentuate the positive; eliminate the negative – that says it all. You have a choice; you can see all the problems in a situation or you can choose to see what’s going right.

4. Help someone else get ahead. When you come from a position of serving others, you just feel better about yourself. You’re coming from your strength, not from what you “lack.” A successful person is looking not only to advance herself, but to bring someone else along.

5. Use your words to uplift. Words have great power. You can bring people down or raise them up. Great leaders have the ability to see and acknowledge the best in people. Follow their suit.

6. Don’t gossip. Sometimes gossip is a way to relieve tension, but there’s also a downside. You only have a certain amount of energy. If you’re going to use it to gossip, you may not have what it takes to move your goals ahead. It’s your choice.

7. Clear out clutter. It’s not only about your physical space. Clutter can consume your mental space too. If your physical space is organized, it’s conducive to achieving your goals. If you’re not over thinking and second-guessing yourself, you mentally have room for creativity.

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