8 Things People Who Overthink Want to Hide

We overthinkers often find ourselves stuck in a loop, driving ourselves crazy. Others don’t always understand how our thoughts affect us because we tend to internalize things. What do I keep to myself that you may not know?

My brain doesn’t stop
I might appear calm on the outside, but inside, I’m probably freaking out about something. It’s not that I can’t focus, but if I have any down time, I’m likely going to start thinking about something that I need to do or overanalyze something someone said.



I notice everything
Sometimes I catch the smallest details that others would find insignificant. “My friend count went down on Facebook…who deleted me? Was it because of that new picture I posted? Did I say something to offend them?” I don’t actually care that someone deleted me, but I can’t stop wondering why they did.

I’m not indecisive
It usually takes me a long time to make a decision, but it’s not because I can’t decide. I want to make sure I make the right decision, so I’m looking at all angles, possible outcomes, and backup plans.

I’m always anxious
It feels like there’s a cloud hovering over me, reminding me of mistakes I made, things I forgot to do, what I could have said differently in a conversation I had days ago.

Everything has to be perfect
I look at every tiny detail, and I assume others will do the same. I will read an email 3 times before I send it to make sure there are no spelling errors and that I sound professional and courteous, with just the right amount of assertiveness when necessary.

I second-guess myself
Even if I know the answer to something, I’ll question whether I do before I speak up. Then, if I don’t say anything, I’ll feel bad for not being confident enough.

Your advice is valued
If I come to you with a problem, I genuinely want your help. Maybe I need to talk it out with another person and get validation. Or, I might need you to tell me that I need to let it go and move on.

I envy people who can just “let it go”
I wish I could stop worrying so much. When people tell me, “just let it go,” I wonder, “how?” I’ve tried not sweating the small stuff, making lists, and understanding what’s really bothering me, but it takes practice and real action to stop overthinking.

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