Style: Create a Lasting Impression

Style Guide for Working Women

It’s a new year and with that come all kinds of chances to become your better you! I want to challenge you to commit yourself to new expectations on your aesthetic at work and play; but let’s start with work. Do you ever feel worried that you’re not taken seriously or maybe underestimated at work? Are you looking to change jobs/careers? Do you still look like you did in school….too young/inexperienced? Are you dressing for the position you want or the one you’re in right now? These questions are meant to make you take a long look in that full-length mirror and ask yourself….Am I my most professionally chic?

Remember back to you last job interview. It was paramount for you to give a convincing first impression on paper with your resume, as well as when you walked in the door. It’s all too common that, once you have that job, you slack in maintaining that appearance. It’s just as important to keep that look as expertly executed as possible. Every last detail everyday should turns heads, get you compliments, and ultimately send a powerful message to the higher executives that you are meant to be in their ranks.

Here are a few tips to keep you on track.

Stay Manicured!

Both your nails and your attire. It doesn’t matter how expensive or fashionable your clothing is, if it’s ill fitted you will look unkempt. The same holds true other items, like shoes, bags, and belts.


Make sure you utilize shoe repair when your shoes start to “click” down the hallways. It’s distracting and unattractive. It is always good practice to take your newly purchased shoes to the repairman to have soles and taps put on the bottoms of your footwear (everything except tennis shoes). This will extend the life of the shoe and keep you secure and silent as you parade around in them.


If you tend to carry the same bag every day you will eventually wear that material (leather or suede) out quickly from the weight and its constant rubbing against your body and hands. Choose 2-3 bags: a BLACK, a NEUTRAL (like a nude/khaki or grey) and a VIBRANT color (like red, burgundy, or blue for example) and switch between them as your outfit dictates to show more versatility and give your bags a break from the constant wear and tear we put on them every day. You will notice this simple switch will allow you to enjoy them years longer than if you used them day in and day out.

Etcetera, Etcetera

Well-kept hair, nails, soft daytime makeup, fresh hygiene and lightly fragranced perfume (nothing overwhelming or too loud) are key. I know this may sound like it’s obvious but some of these small details can be easily overlooked and ultimately overshadow your job performance; that can be detrimental to your job so it’s worth mentioning.

These key elements will boost your confidence and keep you elevated at the level you want.

Pamela Watson, celebrity stylist who currently works as the trend expert for Builders of Style, where she prepares A-list clients for red carpet events, music videos, concerts and award shows.

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