Don't Be A Doormat!

Whether you’re a student in college, finishing your master’s or starting at a new job, it’s never the wrong time to reevaluate your relationships. Everyone knows that relationships are a two-way street, but is that the state of your relationships? Feeling unimportant or ignored in a relationship can lead to a serious lack of confidence, affecting your life in every aspect. Here are some tips on becoming an authority on your relationships and staying away from being a doormat.

Reevaluate your Relationships. You are not a charity service, and it’s okay to expect something in return. Start by thinking about those you give yourself to — friends, family, partners — are the recipients as giving as you are? Do they expect more from you than they deliver themselves? Be aware of where you stand and become conscious of how you relate. The more aware you become, the closer you get to establishing a healthy relationship.

Don’t be Taken Advantage of. Though you want to always pick your battles, never be scared to speak your mind. Even if some situations are nerve-wracking, staying silent will only lead to negative repercussions, such as passive-aggressive action and an inability to make yourself be taken seriously. Learn to express and assert yourself, politely but firmly, within a relationship.

Boost Your Confidence. Studies have shown that people are prone to respect those who respect themselves, so chin up! Look at people straight in the eye when you talk to them and establish your presence in a room. Stick positive messages around your bedroom and remind yourself: the greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure.

Don’t Be Scared to Stand Your Ground. As you reflect on your relationships. you may realize that  a few of them need a bit of work. And as you apply our helpful tips, you may run into some conflict — someone in your life may find it difficult adjusting to your new confident traits. People often project their negative self-images onto others, so think twice when someone calls you selfish for your new actions. Look carefully at the reflection and consider if it’s worth keeping this person in your life.

Consciously Happy. Sometimes life’s routine can overwhelm us. When was the last time you felt time passing slowly? Reserve a moment for yourself, even just a few minutes, and remind yourself of everything you are grateful for. Happiness feeds your confidence, which builds more solid relationships, so don’t underestimate it!

– Deborah Asseraf

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