Don't Take it Personally

When people attack it is usually because they are feeling bad about themselves. DON’T TAKE IT PERSONALLY. If someone tries to bring you down, detach and DON’T TAKE IT PERSONALLY. If people are jealous and make disparaging remarks, DON’T TAKE IT PERSONALLY.

Taking it personally is something that can derail you, because you are using your energy to put out imaginary “fires.”

Keep the focus on yourself, go after things you want, and don’t get distracted by people who don’t have your best interest at heart.

You have talents and gifts that are needed in the world, don’t allow yourself to get distracted.

Here are some tips to help you refocus:

Know your Priorities

Write down the things you need to do at the beginning of the day, as well as how much time you’ll spend on them. This will be a great reference point for you.

Take a spot-check inventory throughout the day

Know what you are feeling and why. Ask yourself if you are off-track. If so, focus on a task that is on your priority list.

Know you are worthy of a bigger job

You may not feel that way at all times, but know that you are always capable of achieving more.

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