Foods To Keep You Hydrated! Some May Surprise YOU!

It has been really hot and because of that heat, keeping yourself well hydrated is incredibly important to your health. Water is needed by the body for survival. For your organs, cells and tissue to function correctly, the body needs water. Water is used by the body for such things as the removal of waste, keeping the joints well lubricated or even the maintenance of the temperature of the body.  Simply put – water is ESSENTIAL for good health!

You can get your hydration from various sources but did you know an easy way to add water to your day can include the foods we eat? The Ask Dr. Nandi show has some ideas to add to your dinner table and to help you keep that body hydrated.

Butternut Squash
Adding butternut squash to your meal is a great way to add extra hydration to your body. This delicious squash is roughly 88% water and contains over 400% of the daily recommended allowance for Vitamin A which is important for the health of your eyes. Plus, butternut squash has Vitamin C, potassium and manganese.

Researchers have found that a cup of cucumber can be nearly as thirst quenching as a glass of water because those cucumbers are 95% water. The cucumber is a great diet aid to keep your body hydrated and these vegetables contain some fiber and Vitamin C. Add cucumbers to your diet throughout the day to keep your body well hydrated.

Did you know that delicious serving of yogurt is also helping to keep you hydrated? A regular plain yogurt is roughly 85% made up of water and the fuller the fat content, the more more water there is. Plus, yogurt contain calcium, B12, riboflavin and should contain probiotics. Add that yogurt to your diet in the summer and keep your body hydrated and healthy!

Carrots aren’t just good for your eyes (at least that is what Bugs Bunny says!). Carrots are made up of nearly 87% water and also contain more of the powerful antioxidant beta-carotene than any other fruit or vegetable. Carrots have been found to be helpful in protecting the body against skin, lung and oral cavity cancer. So grab some carrots and keep yourself hydrated and healthy!

Go ahead and splurge on strawberries in the summer! If you need to keep yourself well hydrated, eat those strawberries because they contain over 90% water. Not only do strawberries help with hydration issues, strawberries have folate which is great for keeping arteries clear and healthy. But get those organic strawberries because a recent study found that organic are more nutritious and flavorful than non-organic.

That bitter grapefruit may make your mouth pucker but all the water contained inside is hydrating you! The grapefruit is made up of 90% water and a serving contains only 30 calories. Plus, grapefruits have the phytonutrient called limonoids which have been found to help detoxify the body and may inhibit tumor formation of cancer.

Garbanzo Beans
Most people would not think that the garbanzo bean would be great for hydration but 1 cup of cooked beans provide a half cup of water. Not only do you get hydrated but you get the added bonus of protein and half your daily fiber needs. Add some beans to your summer diet !

Many people might be surprised to see broccoli on the list but this crunchy food is made up of nearly 90% water. A study done in 2010 found that broccoli also contains a compound that blocks a defective gene that can cause cells to become cancerous. The compound is called isothiocyanates. Add that broccoli to the diet and keep your body hydrated and healthy!

Celery contains more than 90% water and only 6 calories per stalk. Plus add in the extra fiber and it is a winning combination. Celery also has folate which is great for artery health and the vitamins A, C and K. Plus, studies have shown that celery can neutralize stomach acid and acid reflux.

Add some thing to your diet with radishes and get extra hydration at the same time. Radishes are made up of over 92% water and are incredibly healthy. Researchers have found that this crunchy root vegetable contain many antioxidants. Radishes have catechin, an important antioxidant which is also found in green tea! Keep yourself hydrated and healthy with radishes!

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