The Healing Power of Laughter

It’s contagious, but in a good way. Getting your giggles out can have a positive impact on your health:

Relieves stress: It turns your stress response on and then off, resulting in increased blood circulation that makes you feel more at ease. It can eliminate physical symptoms of stress because it triggers muscle relaxation.

Stimulates organs: When you laugh, you inhale more oxygen-rich air, which in turn stimulates your lungs and heart. This leads to the release of more endorphins (your body’s natural painkillers) in the brain.

Boosts immune system: When you chuckle, your brain releases neuropeptides that fight stress and may have an effect on serious illnesses.

Makes you happy: The simple act of wearing a smile and even forcing a laugh can make you feel a little more relaxed and uplifted.

It really works! Norman Cousins, a successful editor at the Saturday Review, travelled to Russia on business and returned with a life-threatening degenerative disease that caused him much pain. Believing stress to be the cause, he amped up doses of vitamin C and locked himself in a hotel room, where he watched hours of comedy television. Cousins claimed that after 10 minutes of hearty laughter, he could sleep pain-free. His condition improved over the following months and he was able to work again. A true testimony to the healing effects of positive thinking.

– Barbara Bent

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