How to Attract Someone You’re Crazy About

Be good to yourself. The better you take care of yourself, and give yourself what you need, the more attractive you will be to others. Self-care comes first.

Visualize exactly what you want.Take an inventory of everything you want in a partner, leave nothing unturned. Actually write down these traits. Make it as specific as you can. Clarity trumps vagueness.

Act “as if” it’s about to happen. Get yourself ready. The person is almost here—can’t you feel it? If you can’t, pretend you can. Do everything as if you will be meeting this person, next week.

Delight in their excitement of you. Let yourself ponder being with someone who really “gets” and appreciates you…feels good, doesn’t it.

Think about what you will offer them. What do you bring to the table? How will you support their growth?

Follow your gut. Now that you’ve done the legwork, trust your instincts. If you feel you should stop by a shop, (for no reason), just go. If a friend wants to introduce you to someone, say thank you. Just follow your heart and it will lead you to that special someone.

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