How Being Single Can Prepare You for a Great Relationship

Are you always the single friend? You might actually have an advantage over the friends who are constantly in relationships. Here are 3 ways being single can prepare you for a great relationship. 

You get to know yourself
What do you really want in life? Do you want kids? Would you rather live in a big city or a small town? When you don’t have another person to influence your decisions, you can start to chart your own path, then find a partner who truly wants the same things you do.

You know what you won’t put up with
If you’ve been dating casually for a while, you’ve probably kissed a few frogs. Since you weren’t committed, you had nothing to lose if you decided to walk away because they offended you, or when you realized that you simply weren’t compatible.

You learn to accept your imperfections
The right partner will love you, imperfections and all. But before you can find someone who does, you have to learn to accept your flaws. Being single allows you to see your beauty without trying to win the approval of others.

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