How to Come Back from a Deep Hurt and Love Again

I don’t know about you, but I’ve been burned twice in a big way and I have felt gun-shy about approaching love again. However, I listen to my inner voice and read what other experts say, and I am willing to try again. Here’s what I will be doing to get myself in gear:

Know how big my heart is. I have a lot of love to give. And yes, I give my love to my adult child, friends and people who I work with…but there is a longing to have a significant other in my life.  And that longing does not come from emptiness but a desire to share love.

Seeing friends who have faced the fear and did it anyway. I have several friends who are independent women and have been hurt by past loves. I have watched them have to courage to reach out again. And several of these women are in great relationships.

Accepting whether it happens or not, I am okay. That mantra that we say, “I am enough, do enough and have enough”…that is the bottom line.  No person, or lack of a person, place or thing, can take away my serenity unless I let them.

So I will put myself out there and let go of the results…it is all okay!

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