How To Keep Going When You Feel Like Giving Up

I consider myself an empowered woman, but there are many times when I have to do something I have never done before, that I want to go back to bed and throw the covers over me. 

What is really going on at those times?

Fear has taken the front seat. In trying something new, there are no guarantees. Will I be successful, will I make some big mistakes? Here’s what helps when I am scared to move ahead.

1. Label it correctly. It’s not that I want to “give up,” it’s just that I don’t know if I will succeed. And if I do, will I be able to sustain the new me? 

2. Service trumps fear. When I come from a spirit of service—how can I help someone else, and realize that my skills are useful and need to be expressed, fear takes a back seat.

3. Coached to win. There is usually someone I call upon who knows me well. They understand my strengths and fears. They are a great sounding board when I want to run and hide. 

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