3 Ways to Stay Calm Around People Who Are Upset

When those around you are stressed, their anxiety often rubs off. Here’s how to stay cool and collected:

Empathize, don’t internalize. When a friend or coworker is feeling stressed, your first reaction may be to empathize and try to make them feel better. Let them know you’re there for them and ask if there’s anything you can do – but know that you don’t have to share their stress to be supportive.

Recognize false pressure. If your manager is feeling particularly stressed out, she may put undue pressure on you to make a deadline. It’s easy to allow those kinds of demands to take a toll. But ask yourself if you’re on target to meet your goals and if you’re performing your job well. If the answer is yes, then pay no mind.

Vaccinate yourself
. Since emotions are “catching,” it’s important to take precautionary measures when you know you’re going to be around someone who always seems stressed. Take a moment to consciously remind yourself that whatever is causing that person’s overwhelm has nothing to do with you.

-Sarah Cooke

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