The Relationship Mistake We Don't Know We're Making

When we love someone we want them to know it. We do things hoping to create a stronger bond. But according to relationship counselor and author, Gary Chapman, there are 5 love languages. Once you understand how your partner receives love, you begin to create a stronger relationship.

The 5 love languages:

Physical Touch. Contact that can be sexual or platonic like touching their arm when you speak, holding their hand, giving hugs or rubbing their back.

Words of Affirmation. Complimenting their appearance or actions.

Acts of Service. Doing something while expecting nothing in return like picking up around the house, or taking the dog for a walk.

Quality Time. Spending time just the two of you, like date night.

Gifts. Small tokens of appreciation without expecting anything in return, like flowers.

Pastor Rich Wilkerson and his wife Robyn explain that what happens a lot of the time is people give love the way they want to receive it. So if you like to be touched and complimented, you show your partner love by touching and complimenting them. But this is a mistake. They may not feel that sense of fulfillment and love the same way you do. And what can happen is you feel like you’re giving them love but it’s not being received. So your relationship suffers.

The solution. Talk to your partner, find out what makes them feel love. For Pastor Rich, he gives his wife gifts and spends time with her. While Robyn shows him love by touching him and telling him how great he looks.

Take a look at Pastor Rich and Robyn Wilkerson’s explanation in the video below.

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