How to Find your Soul Mate

Is there a special someone missing from your life? We spoke to relationship expert Arielle Ford, who gave us a step-by-step guide to finding and attracting your soul mate.

Forgive the past. Start from a clean slate. Reflect on any past relationship mistakes, then let them go. This includes forgiving people who have hurt you. If your energy is spent being angry, you risk dragging the past into the future. This is your opportunity to start again.

Make a wish list. Focus on what really matters to you and what your heart needs to be happy. Instead think about the qualities you want your perfect partner to have. Arielle says, “Ask yourself—will this contribute to my long term happiness? It’s more important that someone is kind and generous and loves animals, rather than how tall they are.”

Have a ritual. Arielle advises that after the list is written, give it away. The idea is that you’re literally putting it out into the world. You can burn the list and scatter the ashes, or fold it up into a balloon to be released. “The whole point is to somehow say to the universe, I know and trust that the one I’ve asked for is already mine.”

Make space. Now that you’ve asked for a new person in your life, trust that they’re on the way and make space for them. Clear out a shelf in your bedroom, or pick one side of the bed to sleep on. These symbolic gestures show that you have room for the new. Most importantly, clear your home of memories with your ex! Put anything that reminds you of them in a box in the garage; don’t let it take space in your life.

Be visible. Now that you’ve gotten yourself ready… go out there and meet people! This is the best and most important part. “Stop hiding on your couch,” Arielle says. “You need to be more visible. Remember there are plenty of good men out there. Never say, I’m too old, I’m too fat, they’re all taken, etc. None of those statements are true.” This is the fun part, it’s time to meet new people and practice flirting. Learn how to be playful again!

As our expert says, “The good news is: This process is easy, simple and fun! It just requires that you put a little energy, intention, and attention on your love life.”

We can get behind that!

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