The Surprising Meaning Behind Your Favorite Stones

Every day for the past several years, I’ve worn Satya’s jewelry. My ring has the Om sign and I usually wear one of her stone bracelets. My favorite is the rose quartz. 

We wanted to ask my good friend, and spiritual entrepreneur, the meanings behind these beautiful stones. 

Our community members can also use this code, “Livefully20,” for 20% off their purchase of their very own piece of Satya Jewelry. Here’s what Satya had to say:

Do you ever wonder why you are drawn to certain stones? This is your intuitive self leading you to what is needed for your life’s challenges and triumphs. Wearing a stone you’re drawn to opens you up to the magic of healing and power that lies within these natural gems. Below are some of our favorites at Satya Jewelry.  

Turquoise symbolizes good fortune and protection. It is known to uplift, heal and cleanse the spiritual energy center and physical body.

Garnet symbolizes faith and love. Is known for its healing and energizing properties of grounding and strength.

Carnelian symbolizes strength and action, known to give courage and confidence while stimulating ambition and drive.

Smokey Quartz symbolizes grounding. It’s known to protect you from negativity and tap into your intuitive self.

Rose Quartz symbolizes unconditional love. It is known to heal the heart and bring love and joy to its wearer.

Pearl, the birthstone for June, is the symbol of purity. It is said to calm the mind and foster creativity.

Black Onyx, the symbol of self mastery. It’s known to be the stone of endurance and strength. Perfect if you need lots of energy.

Labraborite is the stone of magic, known for its mystical and magical abilities to bring amazing changes to your life.

Amethyst, the birthstone for February, symbolizes protection. It is often worn by healers and is known to focus energy and heal the heart.

Jade symbolizes spiritual wealth. Helps bring healing, prosperity and serenity into life.

I hope this was of interest or maybe even fascination. The power of nature and all that it can bring…

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