Things to Tell Yourself When You Feel Unloved and Lonely

Being alone is healthy, but there is a clear difference between enjoying time to yourself and feeling truly lonely. Loneliness has different shades of grey and sometimes we may start to imagine things about ourselves or other people that aren’t true, and it can feel very isolating. If you have good friends to reach out to, this is the time. But in any case, the following points can be soothing when you feel so alone*:

You always deserve happiness, even when you feel you don’t
Have the courage to ask yourself what is missing in your life. Watch out for negative thoughts which will probably come up. Keep thinking about small actions you can take to manifest what you truly want.

It’s part of life
The famous French poet Jean la Fontaine once said, “Sadness flies away on the wings of time.” When you’re feeling blue, know that in most things, there’s a beginning, middle, and end. Tomorrow is a new day and hopefully a better one. Focus on that–you have the power to think positively.

You are enough
When we’re feeling bad about ourselves, we usually don’t feel like we have much to offer, but that’s a lie. You have talents to contribute. Connect with some of your strengths. If you have to, write them down. Although you don’t feel it, you have a lot to give.

You can still make a change
Perhaps you feel stuck, but that doesn’t mean you can’t change things for the better. Don’t isolate. Reach out to someone you care about or try to get involved in helping someone else. Sometimes when you give of yourself, you’re reminded of the truth of the situation that your loneliness will pass.

*If your loneliness becomes extreme, it may be important to seek professional help from a therapist or counselor

“If love is universal, no one can be left out.” -Deepak Chopra

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