Tried and True Ways to Boost Your Energy

Between work, family, friends, chores and hobbies, life can be exhausting! It’s no wonder so many of us often feel drained. But even if you have a hectic schedule, there are steps you can take to boost your energy. Here are a few suggestions.

Budget your energy. Certain tasks require little energy, others demand a lot. Throughout the day, become aware of what you need to expend and whether you’re putting too much energy into a given task.

Ditch toxic relationships.
Limit the time you spend with those who are consistently critical. The stress they cause you is sure to wear you down. Don’t take their negativity personally.

Chat with positive people. Emotions are often contagious. While toxic people drain you, upbeat co-workers will boost your mood and, in turn, your energy.

Take time to laugh. With the many responsibilities a lot of us are juggling, life often feels very serious. Watch a funny video or call a friend who makes you laugh.

Step out of your comfort zone.
Bored by your routine? Try something new that you’ve been wanting to do but have held yourself back from. You will likely feel exhilarated.

Don’t overreact. It’s easy to feel anxious about a mistake you’ve made. Worry is an energy drainer. If a presentation went poorly, don’t tell yourself you’re going to get fired. Keep it in perspective and commit to doing better, next time.

Cut yourself some slack. Self-criticism causes anxiety, which can leave us feeling tired. When you notice negative mind-talk, acknowledge it but realize that it’s based on your insecurities, not reality.

Remember to eat!
Skipping meals causes your blood sugar to plummet—and your energy along with it. Eat healthy snacks in the morning and afternoon. And drink plenty of water, as dehydration can lead to fatigue.

Get moving.
Sitting in one place all day is a surefire way to feel sluggish. Stand up and stretch or take the stairs instead of the elevator—whatever you can do to get you heart pumping.

Find a sleep routine that works.
If how you wind down is no longer effective, experiment with something new. Try taking a hot shower, reading a book or meditating before going to bed—whatever works! When you find something that does the trick, stick with it and be consistent.

Boost Your Energy with Snacks

Avoid quick fixes.
When you’re hitting that mid-afternoon energy slump, it’s tempting to grab a candy bar for a quick pick-me-up. But you’ll have second thoughts when the sugar high starts to crash.

Balance your nutrients.
It’s beneficial to choose snacks that include carbohydrates (but avoid refined carbs), protein and healthy fat. Think apples and peanut butter or whole grain crackers and hummus.

Don’t rush.

If possible, take a few minutes to eat your food. Eating while your mind is preoccupied may leave you feeling unsatisfied. Slow down and really enjoy what’s in front of you.

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