Unique Summer Fun

Who doesn’t love summer? Nothing beats taking time off to be close with your friends and family, but are you tired of taking the same trips? This summer why not try something a little more unusual? Check out our suggestions to help you change up your summer plans!

Treat yourself to a star show
Experience the vastness of the universe. A dark-sky preserve is an area that’s kept free of artificial light sources. That means they are a prime place to view stars and constellations while brushing up on your astronomy. Go with friends and camp for the weekend. You won’t regret it!

Enjoy “down-under” 
Look online and see if there are any caves to tour in your area. You don’t need a geology degree to appreciate the stalagmite and crystal formations right under your feet. Many of these sites also have incredible histories and winding passages to get lost in.

Captain your own ship
Anyone can enjoy white water rafting, not just rowing team alums. Select an easy river with mild currents and pack a lunch and eat by the water’s edge. For fun, challenge your fellow rafters to a splash war—you won’t have to worry about overheating under the sun.

Participate in local festivals
If you’re into music, check out the festivals near you or take a road trip with friends. If that’s not your scene, consider your hobbies—no matter what you’re into, there’s probably an event for you. Be on the lookout for something that will take you outside of your comfort zone like a hot air balloon festival.

Zip lining 
For the adventurous, consider adding zip lining to your summer itinerary. It used to be a necessary practice for transporting people and supplies across natural barriers, but now you can do it for fun. Take your bravest friends when you try this stomach-turning activity.

Make work and travel work for you
Consider volunteering over the summer. Many national parks offer seasonal positions and housing. Find a program that works for you. You could work with children over the summer or volunteer with a group like Habitat for Humanity or the Humane Society.


Summer Food Fun

DIY popsicles
Everyone loves popsicles, so try making your very own with your favorite flavor combos. Molds aren’t expensive and you can experiment. Fill one with your favorite iced tea or lemonade and fresh cut strawberries, for example.

Get jamming
Berry-picking is a great way to spend a summer afternoon. You can eat your prize right away, or save it and make your own jam. Once sealed, jam will keep for well over a year, so why not get a jumpstart on Christmas presents?

Celebrate with summer

Don’t carve a pumpkin, carve a watermelon! This can also be the perfect center peace for your summer pool party. Look online for inspiration.

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