What Confident Women do to Conquer their fears move forward and succeed

We all feel fear at times, we wouldn’t be human if we didn’t. How we handle our fears determines our success or failure. Confident women approach fear in the following way. Can you relate?

1. Fear means I am growing. Stepping out of my comfort zone means that I am taking a risk and trying something new.  I may succeed or I may not. In any case, I will grow from the experience.

2. I can feel shakey and move forward anyway. Discomfort is not a reason for stopping.I accept that when I move forward in a different way, it is not going to feel comfortable.

3. I can get through this. I know what it feels like to face the unknown. And I recall others times when it felt exactly the same way–I stuck with it–and succeeded.

4. I set the example for others. When I am courageous I show others that it is okay to take action and not stay stuck in doing the “same old, same old.”

5. There are more reasons to proceed. I take inventory of the risk (what are the pluses and minuses if I go forward)–and if it looks like I should move ahead, I do. 



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