4 Things You Should Never Put up with in a Relationship

We all go through a lot to make a relationship work, but we have to draw the line somewhere. Here are 4 things a confident woman will NOT put up with in her professional and romantic relationships.

Lack of communication. Openly discussing your feelings, fears, and goals is important in all good relationships. If you don’t think your partner will listen to you and share his or her thoughts in return, you will begin to lose trust. If your boss is talks over you and doesn’t listen to your suggestions, your job will become frustrating. A confident woman walks away from relationships when she feels she can’t make an impact.



Unreliability. Your significant other cancels dates regularly. Your boss never accepts your meeting requests nor responds to emails. These are red flags to a confident woman, who values her time too much to put up with someone she can’t count on.

Little or no support. When you have a tough decision to make, you want to know that your partner has your back no matter what. When you have a dispute with a fellow team member, you need the guidance from your boss to help you resolve the conflict.

Someone she can’t grow with. You go through many phases in life. You aren’t the same person you were 1, 5, or 10 years ago. As you go through changes, you will lose and gain people. A confident woman knows when a relationship reaches a plateau and it’s time to move on.

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