When is it the Right Time to Let Love Go?

One of the motivating factors of our existence is connection. It’s what makes us feel supported and loved. So we surround ourselves with our family, friends, and partner. But what happens when we love someone and it’s not working. When do we decide to let it go?

When it changes you … for the worse. There are going to be people in your life that you love but let’s face it, they bring you down more than they lift you up. When you’re around them they give off negative vibes. When it gets to a point where their negativity brings you down it may be time to reevaluate the relationship.

When it’s all-consuming. At first, it’s new, fun and exciting — you want to see each other all the time. But when you become too dependent on this person for your well-being, it can become dangerous. Just like anything in life, it’s good to have a balance.

When it’s not working anymore. You may be afraid to get out of a relationship that isn’t right. Change is scary and getting out there again may seem daunting. But you’ll be much happier for taking a step to better your situation. Sometimes it’s better to feel the fear of the unknown than staying stuck in a situation that appears safe.

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