Women Of Impact With Deb Bubb


The launch of our third video for our web series, Women of Impact: Inspiring Action and Change features Deb Bubb, Vice President, Director of Global Leadership and Learning at Intel. Deb is an authentic leader, and is beautiful both from the inside and out. It was inspiring to hear about her journey and how she navigated obstacles along the way.

Her father died at an early age, and Deb’s mother moved the family every couple of years. Deb struggled with being shy but with the help of a few people who took an interest in her, she was encouraged to speak up and has developed into the powerful woman she is today. Now, she is responsible for the GROW Initiative that invites employees to grow individually, grow together and grow Intel. Diverse perspectives are encouraged and honored. 

Deb is married to her best friend, and together they faced the challenges of infertility.  However, after many treatment regimens, they were blessed with wonderful twins (a boy and a girl). She talks about getting through the insecurities of those first few years, (having a big job and young children). She feels that it’s okay to be afraid as long as you don’t let your fears stop you from moving forward.  

Today, Deb hopes to give back and leave the world in a better place. She’s truly remarkable and I know she will inspire you. 

Take a look at the full interview below. 



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