Women of Impact with Eileen McDonnell

When I think about a leader of excellence, I think of someone who is authentic, smart, wants to make a difference, and produces results. Well, that is Eileen McDonnell, the Chairman and CEO of Penn Mutual. Not only is she stellar at work, but in her personal life she is a single mom with a sense of humor. Her 11 year daughter, Claire, is the CEO of their house, laughs Eileen as she tells me, “it’s harder to be a mom than a CEO.”

With a track record in the Insurance Industry, Eileen became the Chief Marketing Officer of the company in 2008, and showed signs of her leadership ability at a meeting with the company’s leadership team in which she exclaimed–“We are not going to participate in the recession, but on growth.” Her strategy worked, because not only did she take over as CEO shortly thereafter, but the company’s growth has doubled since then.

Eileen is being featured in our second episode of Women of Impact: Inspiring Action and Change, being released today. She has some important tips for you on how to take charge of your career and take the right risks.

Be sure to experience this amazing leader first-hand. You can read Eileen’s blog here, and watch our conversation below:

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