Men are tricky–one minute they’re interested and the next, they might not be. This can be for a variety of reasons, but for the most part, here are the habits that may push them away: Lack of confidenceWhile it’s important to feel supported by your man, don’t lose…
Barbara Bent
Barbara Bent is a former writing intern for She is currently a senior at Washington and Lee University.
Entries Barbara Bent
One of the most awkward (yet crucial) conversations to have when you’re dating is “defining the relationship” (is this casual or serious? Are we exclusive?) There’s no clear rule that states how many dates it takes until someone turns into your boyfriend. It’s also not clear as to when your…
Making a positive first impression is important, and it takes skill. Peter Economy, an expert in leadership and management at Inc. Magazine, says, “When you meet someone for the first time, they are taking a rapid inventory of your gait, your smile, your handshake and how you present yourself. As…
Some people just don’t have a filter. Or maybe they’re inconsiderate and are not capable of empathizing. This can hurt, especially when we’re feeling vulnerable or insecure about the issue. No matter who it is--a friend, partner, boss, or coworker, keep these tool kit in mind the next time you…
It’s easy for a “fake” person to pull the wool over our eyes. One moment they’re our best friends, and the next, they’re nowhere to be found. This can leave us feeling hurt and vulnerable, especially if we really grew to care about them. The truth is, these people are…
The situation is all too familiar. You’re with someone (a boss, a friend, or even a stranger) and they start treating you like you’re inferior. Maybe they don’t trust you to complete a simple task on your own, or they explain something in a way that questions your intellect. One…
Starting a new relationship is an exciting opportunity. It’s a fresh start with someone you care about and may want to share your life with. But underneath the glow of newness, it’s important to consider some gritty truths--are you ready? Is your partner invested in you? Are you both on…
Generally, men like to take the wheel. Whether at work or in a relationship, the man, traditionally, thinks he needs to be the one in control. So when a strong, confident woman enters his life, an immature man might feel shaken up by her self-assuredness. Here’s why: He’s…
It may not be the “typical” family dynamic, but single moms have become a huge sector of the population. It certainly is not an ideal situation, by any means, but it made both you and her stronger people. Maybe you resented the fact you had no father at some points…
Deceit is like a lie, but it’s trickier. A deceiver often has an elaborate plan to mislead and falsely persuade you. The worst part is that such deception can be hard to spot. Look out for these telltale signs to catch them red-handed: “Microexpressions” These subtle clues, according to the…
When a relationship ends, people often find comfort in closure. However, we can harbor feelings of anger, pain, and sadness instead of peacefully coming to terms with what has happened. Sometimes, you’re able to negotiate that closure with your partner. Other times, you don’t get that chance, and have to…
The biggest way we show our friends that we care is by being there for them in a crisis. To make yourself available for someone in their time of need is important. But we can’t always be a shoulder to cry on. After all, we have our own lives, jobs,…
After you’ve been dating (or married) for a while, things can turn monotonous. What was once so thrilling becomes merely routine. You two fit like jigsaw puzzle pieces, but there’s a spark missing now. Here are some tips on how to rekindle the flame: Talk and LISTEN This sounds simple,…
Usually, we imagine all of the different kinds of people we’d like to surround ourselves with. Whether it’s a friend or a partner, it’s not hard to think of the good qualities that attract us to them. But what about the flip side? There are many ugly characteristics in people…
Do you find yourself constantly anxious, feeling like someone is out to get you or that the worst is about to happen? You find yourself stressed over what hasn’t even happened and may not ever occur. Is there any real justification for that? Dr. Shahram Heshmat, an expert on addictive…
In a chaotic world filled with distractions, time alone is priceless. Some people feel uncomfortable without a group around at all times, but in fact, it’s healthier to fly solo every so often. These moments as opportunities to reflect, regroup, and grow. Here’s why: You become more independent As you…
We make promises to many people in our lives. But perhaps the most important ones we make are to ourselves, and they’re the ones we really ought to keep. Be there for the people you loveEven if you can’t physically be there when someone close to you is suffering, you can…
Being alone is healthy, but there is a clear difference between enjoying time to yourself and feeling truly lonely. Loneliness has different shades of grey and sometimes we may start to imagine things about ourselves or other people that aren’t true, and it can feel very isolating. If you have…
Water is vital for our bodies to function properly. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, drinking water lubricates your joints, keep your body temperature normal, and gets rid of wastes. It’s easy to get dehydrated in the summer when you’re sweating in the heat. But some people…
It’s tough to rise and shine after a night of tossing and turning. The worst is feeling exhausted and knowing you have a full day ahead. But here are some tips that can help get you the energy you need to put your nose to the grindstone:Expose yourself to sunlight:…
There are many ways to learn about your partner’s personality besides just having a conversation. Pay attention to subtle signals--actions speak louder than words. For example, how he treats those around him speaks volumes about his character. Here are some common interactions to look out for: With his family Is…
When the outlook seems bleak and you’re feeling down, it can be hard to envision a happy ending and you’re probably having a tough time picking yourself up again. When this happens, keep these tips in mind. Your thoughts are more powerful than you think When you indulge negative thoughts,…
Relationships are built on trust. So when that has been betrayed, it can be hard to put your faith in someone else. However, you will eventually need to face your fears in order to move on and build a healthy bond with your next partner. Reflect Take as much time…
Tracy McMillan, television writer and relationship expert, wrote a blog post in 2011 for The Huffington Post that went viral. It chronicles 6 reasons why she says women aren’t married even when they really want to be. One of her strong messages was that as women, we need to love…
If you’re in a healthy relationship with a good partner who treats you well, that’s terrific. You deserve this happiness. However, many women suffer from stigmas associated with being single. Jennifer Aniston’s recent piece in the Huffington Post got us thinking about the pressures put on women and how some…
It’s a familiar feeling--you put effort into your job or relationships, but don’t get much in return. You’re frustrated and need to find an outlet for the feeling. Bottling it up inside won’t do any good. It’s time to get rid of that negative energy in your life. Here are…
Maybe it’s the distance or maybe it’s the timing. Maybe he envisions a future on a farm in the country and you want to be in a city. Either way, the relationship didn’t work, even though you wanted to save it. These situations are frustrating, but don’t walk away feeling…
Speaking up can be scary. Whether it’s talking to your boss, family, friend, or partner, communicating clearly about a big issue sounds daunting. The alternative, of course, is to say nothing at all, but that won’t be helpful. It takes a lot of guts to stand up and demand to…
For a woman, having a great male friend is priceless. These guys are laid back and simply a joy to be around. You know you can count on them to have your back. It’s a different dynamic than your relationship with women, and they can teach you a lot about…
A good night’s sleep is crucial for success. The National Sleep Foundation recommends 7-9 hours for adults. However, it can be difficult to really feel rested, especially if you have a lot on your mind. Try these tips to improve your ability to sleep soundly and wake up refreshed and…
Women put so much energy into finding a good man. Sadly, a lot of these “men” are more like children. Everyone has their own issues, but you shouldn’t waste your time on a man with the emotional maturity of an adolescent. Remember, you can’t change a man, especially one who’s…
Support and recognition from our loved ones is important. Whether it’s a pat on the back or a shoulder to cry on, these subtle signs show us that we’re surrounded by people who care. So how can we cope when we feel slighted by our friends, family or significant others…
Crying is often seen as a sign of weakness, but is it really? Even if you’re crying over something that seems like “nothing,” there’s more to it. There are several reasons why it’s good to let the tears flow: It’s a healthy outlet: Crying is much better than bottling up…
Trust is the glue that holds relationships together. Without trust, we may find ourselves lost and vulnerable. There’s a whole spectrum of trust -- from when you’re building a new relationship to when you’re working to move forward after a betrayal. These things seem to work whether building or rebuilding…
Intimidators can spot weakness from a mile away. If they sense your fear, you’re more likely to be their target. Stay positive by remembering that these people in your life can offer you a chance to grow. Here are tips to remember when you feel powerless in someone’s presence: Stay…
Words are powerful. They can build people up or tear them down. What you say can also impact your own thinking, so be sure to include these in your daily vocabulary: “I can”: Take negative words out to make room for optimism. If you say you can, odds are you…
It’s healthy to maintain personal space. But if you isolate yourself too much, people will say you’re drifting. Here are ways you may be doing this without even realizing it: You’re stressed out: When we have a lot on our minds, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by our thoughts, and…
For centuries, humans have used images in nature to give life meaning. Some societies studied characteristics of all species of animals and drew powerful comparisons to their own lives. Different types of animals act as different “spirit guides.” Below is a simple summary...Which ones do you relate to? Birds: They’re…
Relationships can be tricky, whether you’ve been together for 20 years or have only been on a few dates. In both situations, sex is almost always on the brain (for men and women). It’s important to have that physical chemistry, but there are some things that sex can never replace:…
Just a few tweaks to your daily routine can put you on the track to success. Here are some habits that stand out: Plan your day the night before: Make a mental note of what you need to accomplish the next day. Plan your outfit if it takes you a…
There’s a popular phrase that reads: “Common sense is a lot like deodorant. The people who need it most never use it.” When to use common sense seems self-explanatory, but what are habits of people who always use this sense to navigate through life? Read on: They accept failure: Knowing…
It’s contagious, but in a good way. Getting your giggles out can have a positive impact on your health: Relieves stress: It turns your stress response on and then off, resulting in increased blood circulation that makes you feel more at ease. It can eliminate physical symptoms of stress because…
This disease can take control of your life. It’s more than just sadness--it’s strong and it’s persistent. But here are some things you might not already know: 1. Depression affects women more than men (at roughly twice the rate). 2. PMS can be more severe than you thought: PMDD (premenstrual…
Britain is reeling after the UK voted to leave the European Union last Thursday. The media focuses mainly on the economic impact of the decision, but what about women’s rights? Surely the exodus will affect efforts towards gender equality. The historic referendum, called “Brexit,” gained most support from England and…
Listening to intuition is important to make decisions that are right for you. Sometimes we tune into it, and sometimes we don’t. All in all, we should pay attention to it. Especially when: Your body says so: Physical reactions like goosebumps, a tight throat, or a lump in your stomach…
After sitting on the sidelines for a while, you think you’re ready to jump back in the game. But are you really ready for that? Here are three signs that show you are: You’ve been honest with yourself: You’ve taken stock of your relationships, seen the pluses and the minuses…
Life throws all sorts of obstacles our way. Some we can quickly overcome while others seem insurmountable. Here are ways to grapple with these tougher moments: Gauge the severity: Before you start to panic, think hard about the situation. Is it really the end of the world or is it…
It’s important to be able to spot major red-flags in a relationship. But it’s trickier to pick up on the little things that, in the end, can snowball into bigger issues. Here are some small warning signs to look out for: You don’t like their friends: You can tell a…
Life has a lot to offer when you’re not in a committed relationship. Though you may see couples around and long for what they have, being alone is healthy. Here are some ways to cherish this time: Be with friends and family: This is a perfect opportunity to reconnect with…
You’re newly single, and the world is your oyster. Maybe you’re not quite ready to move on – or maybe you are. Regardless, NEVER make these post-breakup mistakes: Get revenge Showing them that you’ve moved on is better than getting back at them. Seek out their new partner Don’t waste your…
Life is unpredictable. Tough situations can arise at a moment’s notice. Here’s how to handle the times when all you want to do is run and hide:Fake it: Instead of sulking, force a smile. Consider the worst possible outcome: Thinking about all the things that could go wrong can make…
Most of the time, honesty is the best policy. However, there are some exceptions:It can be a tool of aggression: Even if someone’s telling the truth, they might do so for the sole purpose of hurting someone else because they’re angry. People abuse truth-telling to build themselves up, while tearing…
No one wants to attract negativity. But subconsciously, there may be things we do to make us vulnerable to negative people: You ignore hurtful qualities: Even when people let you down a lot, you choose to ignore the pattern. You give them the benefit of the doubt when they don’t…
It’s easy to lose sight of ourselves in the throws of daily life. Stress and anxiety cloud our thinking and confuse our sense of purpose. Keep these tips in mind when you feel lost: Look back: Think about what you’ve accomplished so far. Trust your intuition to guide you to…
You work hard to achieve your goals, so you don’t want to be exploited by others. Here are signs to look for to stop those people in their tracks: They don’t own up to anything: These people are usually in denial. They never admit their mistakes, and try to make…
When embarking on a new relationship, we tend to focus on the qualities we love in the other person. But it’s just as important to consider the ugly qualities that you wouldn’t be able to tolerate in a partner. According to one study, these situations almost always result in a…
Trust is the pillar of any successful friendship or relationship. Don’t rely on someone if they: Can’t compromise: An expert once said, “trust gets built through a series of tiny moments where our partner temporarily compromises their happiness for ours.” Someone who is self-centered and inflexible not worth your time.…
When we feel slighted, we may want to react in a big way. But that can lead to trouble, so try these tactics instead: Be brave: Whether it was a boss who made a jab at your work or a friend who spilled a secret, keep your composure. Showing that…
Confident women have a no-nonsense attitude. They produce, and people rely on them. What else do they do to command respect? Read on: They’re direct: If they ask for something, they get right to the point and don’t go around in circles. They’re respectful of other people’s time. They’re…
Sometimes we say one thing and someone misconstrues our words. Miscommunications can create havoc in any relationship. Here’s what to do when that happens: Revisit the conversation: Allow the person to explain why they were upset about what you said. This way, you won’t make the same mistake twice. Clear…
Life is too short for constant worry. Often, the things we worry about are trivial and not worth our time. Here are a few pointers on how not to get bogged down in the future: Uncertainty is part of life: It’s useless to worry about something that might never happen.…
The feeling may ache, but know that there’s light at the end of the tunnel. Here are 5 things to remember when you feel down in the dumps: Don’t take things personally: Rejection often puts us in a bad mood. Be proud of your accomplishments and keep in mind that…
In a professional environment, you’ve got to play your cards right. Stay a step ahead by never doing or saying any of these: “I think...”: Say “I believe” instead. It shows you have a little more conviction in your statement. Being hard-headed: Collaboration is vital in the workplace. Have your…
Father’s Day is tough for those without dads. Their fathers may have passed, or simply aren’t a part of that person’s life anymore. As a friend of someone who’s fatherless, knowing how to support them is important: Put yourself in their shoes--how would you feel without a father? Don’t make…
There are times when we know that someone isn’t being truthful, but we may deny it. Other times, it’s crystal clear and time to address it. Here are some ways to do that: Do your homework: If you have a keen sense that you’re being duped, be sure you can…
We find ourselves in this position from time to time. We want to move forward, but we’re mentally stuck. One expert said, “slumps were the mind’s way of making room for the birth of new ideas.” These steps should help you move through your resistance: Shift your focus: Sometimes a…
Seeing the glass half empty is no way to live. Negativity is contagious, so adapting a positive attitude can make life more fulfilling. Here are some habits of pessimistic people and how to stop them in their tracks: Victimization: A pessimist will see themselves as the victim in almost every…
Couples experience ups and downs every once in awhile. No partnership is perfect, no matter how long you’ve been together. But these 5 habits can quickly lead to a relationship’s demise: Not making time: Even if you both have busy schedules, set aside time to be together. Don’t treat it…
When something is important to you, you don’t want to be swayed. Don’t give up on the things you consider significant. It’s one thing to feel slightly uncomfortable, but it’s another when your integrity is seriously compromised. When people invade these boundaries, you have the right to speak up. Here…
Everyone suffers pain at some point in their lives. It may be fleeting or all-consuming, but either way, it hurts. And over time, it can cause subtle changes in behavior--not for the better: Trust less: When we’re broken, it can be hard to put faith in anyone, even our loved…
Do you notice that people shy away from you? Being feared can help you wield power and gain respect. But if they’re too scared, they may avoid you or not be as productive. Here are 4 ways become more approachable--respected, not feared: Check your image: Body language speaks louder than…
Dating someone new is exciting, but don’t get caught up in the moment. Pay attention to these 6 signs that could mean trouble down the road: They’re hard to reach: Consistently taking hours or days to respond to a text is disrespectful, so don’t waste your time. They don’t pay:…
Speaking your truth is important, but many people are afraid of confrontation.You may be labeled “rude” if you’re brutally honest. Being blunt may not be good for every situation, but here are some situations when it comes in handy: You stop wasting time: Instead of being wishy-washy, being straightforward can…
There’s more to a person than a pretty face. Focusing on physical beauty could mean missing out on a deeper connection. Here’s why lasting attraction isn’t skin-deep: Love isn’t usually at first sight: Physical attraction may be the first to catch your attention, but experiencing true love takes time. Experts…
Whether in the workplace or in a relationship, here are the ways confident women command respect: They are inclusive--encouraging those around them and acknowledging the value of each person they come in contact with. They are organized--prioritizing important tasks. They dress for success and are committed to the projects they…
The ability to bounce back from tough situations shows your strength. Take a look at the 5 habits of a resilient person: Self-Aware: While some people revel in the notion that “ignorance is bliss,” a resilient person listens closely to their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. Mindful: These people are…
Handling someone who really gets on your nerves sounds like a feat, especially if you come in contact with that person every day. You don’t want to be disrespectful, but their behavior can be hard to stomach. Here are 5 ways to handle these people in your life: “Kill” them…
Many of us have been raised to be “nice.” There’s nothing wrong with being kind, but if you’re accommodating more than you should, and not getting your needs met, there’s a problem. So here are scenarios when people are asking more of you than they should be and if you…
Being alone sometimes carries a negative stigma. People don’t want to feel isolated. Loved ones don’t understand why you need to be by yourself (and they take it personally). But we all need alone-time. Sometimes nothing is wrong and we just need to take time out to recharge. However, there…
Sadness hurts, and we all suffer from time to time. But don’t let it pull you down. Here are some things to remember: It’s OK to feel: Sometimes when we’re sad, we just need to cry without explanation (we may not feel entitled to do that). You have to give…
Whether we’re creative people or not, dreams manifest our deepest thoughts in a variety of images and expressions, like an art form. Whether it’s an exhilarating dream or a dreadful nightmare, our subconscious reveals itself as we are in the REM cycle of sleep. For this reason, it’s important to…
More often than not – when a relationship is over, it should stay that way. It’s important to trust your gut and move on after ending things with someone, even if you miss them deeply. Grieve: Be sure to allow yourself sufficient time to grieve a broken relationship. It's completely…
Life’s many stresses take a toll on our minds and bodies. Yoga can be a helpful addition to your daily routine. Here’s why: Improves focus In a yoga class, you’re supposed to focus on the present moment--nothing beyond your mat. This mental control can aid your memory, reaction time, and…
Touch is one of the body's five major senses and is perhaps the most important. Studies show that touch is essential when it comes to health, bonding, and communication. We can see this in action when we get a hug from a family member or a touch on the small…
When you’re in a relationship with the right person, you should feel valued – not undermined or exploited. There are certain behaviors to watch out for that can instantly turn a relationship toxic: Abuse Abuse of any kind (physical or emotional) is never acceptable. Remember, emotional abuse (jealousy, lying, manipulation)…
In the ideal relationship, your partner will always be loving and supportive. However, we all know that's not the case. One major problem in relationships is when one partner doesn't allow the other one to grow. Here are five warning signs to look for: Jealousy Whatever you do, your partner…
You want to spend quality time with your partner, family or best friends, but it can be tricky to find exciting things to do on a budget. Keep in mind that time is one of the most valuable gifts you can give someone! Here are some ways to show these…
These habits are instant turn-offs: 1. Talking about yourself While it’s great to share your life with the ones you love, be careful not to take it overboard--that’s tacky. Instead, focus your next conversation on the other person by asking them how their day is going. 2. Slouching…
You’ve probably done it before. You’re stumped on a problem at the office and need to get up and ask the boss for help. After marching into his office, the words pour out before you can control them: “Sorry, but I have a question.” Stop here and ask yourself: why…
While physical violence in a relationship is fairly obvious to diagnose, emotional abuse is harder to detect, but can hurt just as deeply. Subtle behaviors often go unnoticed, but they are toxic and can lead to physical abuse in the future. Control The manipulator will try to control the victim…
Narcissism can be toxic. These selfish people can cause a lot of damage if they’re someone special in your life. Here are some mannerisms to look out for and tips on how to deal with their behavior: They’re always right This habit might get under your skin, but you have…
It really hurts when someone manipulates your words, making you seem “crazy.” Maybe they blow you off, making an assumption that what you’re saying isn’t relevant. It can be tough to come up with the perfect response to their rudeness, so take a look at these smart comebacks: 1. “Sorry, what…
The first impression is lasting, so being authentic and approachable is key. Knowing what to say when you first meet someone goes a long way, but but half the battle is knowing what NOT to say. For this reason, you should NEVER... Body shame yourself or others. Keep your insecurities…
You can say a lot by saying nothing at all. The limbic system in our brains controls involuntary reactions that show how we are feeling and what we think about a situation. For example, when we are upset, our brows furrow. When we’re stressed out, we clench our jaws. When…
Everybody makes mistakes; we are only human, after all. But there are mistakes we can avoid to steer clear of a catastrophic end to a relationship. Not being honest This is a huge mistake that can rock your relationship. Honesty is one of the most important pillars that support a…
Time to don your red nose because today is Red Nose Day! It’s a charity that has raised over $1 billion worldwide for kids in need through sharing giggles by sporting red noses that you can purchase at your local Walgreens. As part of Comic Relief, Inc., an organization that…
Sensitivity is not a bad thing, in fact, sensitive people have a deep understanding of what’s going on. If you find yourself dealing with them, these tips may help. Less talking, more listening Try to bring them out and understand the depth of their feelings. Cater to them Go out…
It happens—someone upsets you (a friend, partner, coworker, boss) and all you want to do is let the anger simmer inside. You refuse to let it go. In fact, you are doing it all wrong—the best way to get back at that person to live your life to the fullest.…
More often than not, we have to deal with difficult people on an almost daily basis. Here are a few ways of handling them: Avoid them They may realize something is wrong with how they’re acting and perhaps ask you about that, and ultimately change their ways Don’t take it…
One of the hardest lessons in life is learning to let go. This is especially true when it comes to breaking up with someone who just isn’t right for you. These are 3 times when you know it's time to end a relationship: Little communication Communication is key to a…
They’re everywhere—at school, the office, maybe even in our homes. Just because we associate with negative people or even love them doesn’t mean we have to stoop to their level of negativity. Watch out for these seven deadly habits of negative people: 1. Talking about their own problems all the time…
One of the toughest decisions in life is choosing to end a romantic relationship or friendship. Whether it’s a significant other or someone close to you in your life, sometimes it’s healthier for your well being to end that relationship. The hardest part is making the decision that you must…
We’re humans, not robots. So whoever says they don’t have some weird, crazy little habit is lying. Most times, showing this side to the general public is not so appropriate, but at times you have to let go and express yourself. Here’s why: 1. Making someone feel comfortable If you’re in…